When not navigated carefully, the Internet can suck you into a veritable post-award-show black hole. There is A LOT to look at; for instance you could spend easily 3-5 hours just looking at Jared Leto hair posts (better to not ask how we know this). Two days post-Oscar, here is what we thought worthy of your precious time.
1. The best party photos to come out of theVanity Fair Oscar Party. Feel free to write to us if you know where we can purchase that Hollywood Issue inspired lamp shade. Check out these stunners while you're at it.
2. You can Travoltify your name here. We are Laurence Hernt & Christian Wailson.
3.This could have saved you a lot of time on Sunday and that hangover on Monday.
4. Stay strong Leo.
5. Cate Blanchett is terribly trusting. Also we would have died and immediately broken out in the speech we've been perfecting since age 5.
6. Peter Nyong'o was out there living your dreams all award season and you had no idea.