A long time ago...we knew Logan would age HOT.

The second Veronica Mars docu-trailer has graced our eager laptops! Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, it's main plot is good guy vs. smoldering guy. Also there seems to be a crime involved, classic Ronnie.

Though historically #TeamWallace, we can't help but notice the fine preservation of one Logan Echolls during this somewhat campy, 4-minute long Logan or Piz debate. Thank you time. So please enjoy the below, also don't strain your precious eyes, we'll tell you straight up: as hard as we looked, Leo D'Amato didn't make the cut...this time around.

Woof! Amirite?

AND you guys, isn't is precious that Veronica has this old school, circa Neptune High photo of Logan as her caller ID. Melt.

Come Play with Us (& wear these Mary Janes)

Halloween weekend is upon us and it's freezing in Toronto. Yes, these two things are unrelated but it fits the tone of this spooky recreation of the Grady Twins, featuring Kiernan Shipka. We LOVE it and it may be the closest we actually come to celebrating All Hallow's Eve this year (let's be honest, no matter how remarkable it is, one's famous mime costume can only be worn so many times).

Also, we've decided to take advantage of the aforementioned weather restrictions and devote the day to online shopping. The money we saved by staying warm in bed, combined with our fixation of the above has scarily led us on a hunt for the Mui Mui shoes used in the shoot...is there a neighborhood where we could trick or treat for pumps?

Click here if you're also interested.

Additionally, we also like these similarly fashioned Valentinos just incase anyone feels inclined to buy us an extravagant Halloween gift.

Happy Halloween y'all, now go get cray and light the black flame candle!

Jason Street in Crocs

You read that right...we are a bag full of emotions at the sight of this! On one foot, we are positively ebullient with gratitude at the sight of these hunks hanging out, but we just cannot accept that Six fully wears Crocs in his everyday life! Coach would be ashamed.

Why can't he take a page out of Luke Cafferty's book and sport some casual, yet on trend navy Vans? Hmmm??? Is that too much to ask? Doesn't he know that comfort must take a backseat to fashion? Doesn't he??

Sorry for all the loud questions. We told you we were emotional.

Anyway, back to our original point: these dudes are handsome and we miss them.

Crazy in Love with this kid!

Happy Monday sports fans!

We promise there will come a day when we don't do a post about Beyoncé. Alas, today is not that day.

Beyoncé superfan Chris Koo has posted a spellbindingly glorious dance video on Youtube that we guarantee you will watch til the end. Boy doesn't even break a sweat. This homage is a sweet escape down memory lane for us and we feel inspired and entranced by it! Plus we want that t-shirt.

We really just can't get enough of Beyoncé, her dance moves, music, life and everything else she stands for (OBVI). If you can think of a way for us to show our devotion in a public format other than a dance tribute, we would be ever so grateful. Our hair just doesn't flip the way Chris Koo's does...


Highlight of the Week: Three-Year-Old Beyoncé Dancer

Just to be clear we plan on raising all future kin like this.

Can't believe we've overlooked such a fool proof way of getting Beyoncé's attention until now!

Who's Your TV Alter Ego?

It's fall, so we can only assume that you're currently living vicariously through a new episode of your favourite TV show. It isn't our intention to interrupt you, but if you do find yourself with a little extra buffering time (we totally sympathize!) between shows why not determine once and for all who your TV land alter ego is?

We've scientifically (obviously, not really) pinpointed the personality types of four of our most viewed and esteemed lead female characters. Take the quiz to find out which one you are!

And now we humbly suggest you go and watch the premiere episode staring your counterpart, unless, unfortunately, you're a Hannah (we can actually hear you moaning about the Girls 2014 premiere date right now!).

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