Like many of you, we are delighted to be again watching new episodes of New Girl (after a summer of binge re-watching...). We think it's necessary to point out that Schmidt's part-time girlfriend Elizabeth and recent Emmy winner Merritt Wever first made our acquaintance in one of our all time fave movies: Strike.
The 1998 film was mysteriously renamed All I Wanna Do at an unknown date (but was clearly called Strike when I rented it monthly from Blockbuster circa the 2000's). If you haven't seen it, we highly recommend! It stars Kirsten Dunst too! Yay for teen movies that stand the test time!
Although it doesn't seem like she has been up to much (in Hollywood) since Strike, a quick IMDB query has revealed she has in fact been up to a lot! We are loathe to admit that we didn't make it past a few early Nurse Jackie episodes (only because we are poor and without cable). Anyway, she was a hit at the Emmys with this memorable acceptance speech:
We approve! And hope to see more of her in future projects.
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