Rihanna may believe that Beyoncé could 'destroy the self-esteem of an entire nation,' but yesterday Beyoncé wasn’t out to destroy anything, she was fully on board to recognize World Humanitarian Day. And this was truly a great day for humanity as it was also the premiere of her tie-in video for her song “I Was Here.”
The message is ahmahzing, the white dress is ahmahzing, Beyoncé is ahmahzing.
Did you pull as Queen B and do something good, somewhere, for someone else yesterday? She wants us to be good people, you should listen.
She Was Here
10 Ways to Prolong The Olympics (Applicable ONLY to talentless spectators)

1. Burn a candle in your apartment and hope it last for 16 full days
2. Change your ringtone to either the American or Chinese national anthem
It is not a true Olympic experience without the Star Spangled Banner and March of the Volunteers infiltrating the eardrums 5-10 times daily. With respectable Gold medal counts, figure the amount of calls you’re receiving daily are equal to the number of times both anthems played; assuming you’re popular that is.
3. Start rating everything on a scale of bronze to gold
Boys. Restaurants. Outfits. Movies. Award a medal type rating to anything and everything you can. And don’t stress over giving the Bronze to last Saturday’s dinner date; I am sure he was just happy to make the podium.
4. Start a letter writing campaign to have Prince Harry’s iPhone photos shared on a commemorative Instagram account
What better way to keep the London 2012 Spirit alive than the potential reliving of each event and Wills fondling Kate moments through, not only Royal, but also vintage filtered lenses?! Also, we’ve never so badly wanted someone to get Instagram, two birds.
5. Talk about things only in terms of distance, pace and accuracy
Call your friends and tell them you’ll be there in 100m/800m/500m (whatever!) and if they seem anxious about you running late, remind them of your World Record pace.
6. Watch a lot of weekend update with Seth Meyers (Canadians ONLY)
The comical news delivery by Meyers isn’t far from CTV doppelganger James Duthrie's farce of a program. Lets be honest, he seemed less than inspired some days providing us Canadians with our Olympic updates. One morning, he greeted viewers, in a salty tone and said “Guess I’ll be stuck here for the next 8 hours!” yeah that’s your job. Seth is also uncannily similar to Ryan Lotche as well; we smell a spot-on SNL impression on the horizon.
7. Commentate on, be passionate about and support topics you know next to nothing about. Be as critical as possible
Don’t be afraid to continue blowing a whole lot of smoke when conversing with your pals, coworkers and even strangers you’ve met on the street. We can all admit to becoming rather arrogant and know-it-all-y about the Olympics: "I've seen a better Steeplechase at my family reunion on Grandma's farm!" Har har har." Um, no you didn't and you don't know anything about the Steeplechase. I'm pretty sure this type of balderdash is not even a stretch for most of you.
8. Root for/befriend British or American people. ONLY when there are no Canadians around
Continue to put your prejudices aside and support our closest allies.
9. Interview people at moments when there is no way they can be coherent or rational
Prime example: congratulate your partner after a particularly athletic love making sesh and immediately interview post dismount. In their post-coital breathlessness and exhaustion, the answers will no doubt be Lochte-level dumb and senseless. Ah, memories.
10. If anyone asks your opinion on what the outcome of something will be, respond confidently by answering Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt
Safe bet all around.
Looking at Boys in Magazines
It's no secret that the best and brightest in publishing comes out this time of year; fall fashions, our favourite lady stars making any and every attempt to garner more attention than necessary to promote new clothing lines, perfumes, brand new tv shows and brand new seasons (Pumped for New Girl! Revenge!). It is a time to celebrate. Of course we are figuratively dying to get our hands on the new September Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, InStyle and Marie Claire (already perusing Glamour, VB's cover is off-putting). The Gwen Stefani on Harpers looks magnificent, those pinks! (More on that later) But we would be remiss to let this new crop of boy stars posing in magazines to go unacknowledged.
See below for some of our favourites. Props to these dudes! And let's be honest, any mention or photo of Tim Riggins has us melting.
Taylor Kitsch, Idris Elba, Garrett Hedlund, Aaron Paul, Aaron Johnson, and Armie Hammer cover the September 2012 issue of Esquire magazine photographed by Yu Tsai.
James Marsden covers the August/September issue of DA MAN magazine photographed by Mitchell Nguyen McCormack and styled by Jeff Kim.
Adam Scott is featured in the latest issue of Maxim magazine photographed by Peter Yang.
Bills, Bills, Bills
"You triflin', good for nothing type of brother
Silly me,why haven't I found another
A baller, when times get hard he's the one to help me out
insted of, a scrub like you who don't know what a man's about"
You know whose obviously no longer relating to these lyrics? Beyoncé Knowles. You know why, because she found her baller. Beyoncé and hubby Jay-Z are the world’s highest paid couple, according to Forbes Magazine. Combined income this year alone was $78 million (and they didn’t even have to shamelessly sell pictures of Baby Blue to make it happen, we’re looking at you Jessica Simpson.) That’s cray.
Now enjoy this excuse to look at photos of Bey and Jay.
Decor Inspiration: That Black and White Striped Rug
I must admit that I've wanted this rug for decades. Yes, since I was 5 years old people! That is how much I care about interior design. Not enough to save my money and buy a $300 rug. Especially since I now have my own apartment and am not risking a reckless roommate vomiting tequila rose all over that $300 rug...but I care enough to pine hopelessly and devotedly for said $300 rug.

Bennifer Revisited

Remember back in 2003 when Ben Affleck allegedly visited a Vancouver strip club, one day after appearing in that awful Dateline special with then fiancée Jennifer Lopez?! Of course you remember, that's the kind of earth shattering news this hemisphere was built on. One month later Hollywood’s hottest couple were dunzo.
Well, embarrassingly, history seems to be repeating itself as Casper Smart allegedly attended a peep show in the back of some gay sex shop last week; on the eve of Jennifer’s birthday no less! In some sort of attempt to survive this recent exotic misadventure, Smart claimed to have been “lost,” his acting is almost as bad as Affleck's (ZING!). But in an effort to become a more positive individual, I will choose to remain optimistic, if only because I am secretly obsessed with these two; but lets regroup in 30 days.
Don’t worry Jenny,
You will live
You will love
You will dance again…
But, as we wait out the latest of J. Lo's romantic pursuits, let's enjoy these fabulous, if not intimately revealing and equally hot music videos …
Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got,
Like many of you, from time to time we've fallen victim to a good torso without first getting to know someone (forgive us, we are only human!)
Today, American swimmer Ryan Lotche admitted to urinating in the Olympic warm up pool and this information isn't sitting well. Though we are sure he isn't the first swimmer to literally "warm up" the water around him, we find it wildly unattractive to admit it publicly!
Happy August!
As per my usual routine, I was pursuing the magazine shelves today and was affectionately met by one of my fav celebrity couples: Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, on the cover of the August Teen Vogue that is! This had totally escaped me all month; I blame the fact that I was out of the country when The Amazing Spiderman was released, as I am usually on top of my obsessions.
I managed to suppress my inner fangirl & didn’t actually purchase the mag (point budget!) but succeeded to spend the day fawning over the images online. As suspected it's cute and I like it; so much so I thought I’d share, in case you too missed it and/or are slightly embarrassed to be purchasing Teen Vogue in your mid-20's.
Also worth acknowledging, the article features a swoon worthy quote from Andrew on everyone’s crush and Emma co-star Ryan Gosling: “That freaking dreamboat...I think I’m more attracted to Ryan Gosling than any woman could ever be. I think about him so often. I’m not joking!” So yeah, I am going to need those two to star in a movie together real soon, Emma can be there too. Too lofty a request?
Adolescently yours,