Year in Review: The Great (mastur)Debate of 2012

As equally worldly and witty individuals we truly enjoy great conversation. As you can imagine in one calendar year we cover A LOT of complex topics, some of which we have shared here with you. This year we totally agreed on our love for the new show Girls, but hastily disagreed with one particular scene. This caused a heated debate over the summer during a Blue Jays game -- we aren't that into sports.

We've never been able to put the subject to rest, even after polling our nearest and dearest gal pals (strategically administered via text during said Blue Jays game -- again we are, admittedly, not excited by baseball). As 2012 comes to an end we thought we'd present to you the discrepancy and invite you to also weigh in.

WARNING: We are about to talk about pleasuring oneself, read no further if you consider yourself a prude.

View the below, if you have limited time start at 3:45, but we recommend getting the whole backstory. As you watch consider this: Would Marnie realistically masturbate in the bathroom, while wearing pantyhose?


Caitlin: No, she most certainly would not. Can I agree that Marnie was so moved with passion and desire to go home and masturbate later that night? Yes I can. But I cannot believe that she would rub one out in an art gallery bathroom. I just cannot accept that someone as uptight and straight-laced as Marnie would do this. And in restrictive pantyhose no less. STANDING UP. And it cannot go unmentioned that Booth Jonathan (i.e. JIZZ IN MY PANTS) is neither attractive nor desirable enough to elicit this type of erotic reaction.

Lauren: Yes! I think it is pretty indicative of her character actually. Of course she is pleasuring herself with pantyhose on. She can't really lose control in life, not even for this brief erotic moment! Also, unlike Caitlin, I think that in the situation she had to do what she had to do, like no time to de-pantyhose (we all know what a bitch that can be). The situation is new for her and she can barely figure out how to process it before its happening. She's getting things done and then heading back to a work event. What if she HAD taken them off, got off and then noticed some sort of rip (inevitably caused by a hasty removal)? Work event ruined that's what. I think she was simply keeping it a little classy.


As a final note, we recommend this as a conversation piece. You'll hear some serious and revealing anecdotes and thank us later. Also note that in the trailer for season 2 of Girls Jonathan Booth returns for what appears to be more than a little bathroom fantasy.

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